Other Questions

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Q1: Client Error?

{"code":3,"message":"client error(java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException: java.security.InvalidKeyException: IOException : algid parse error, not a sequence)","success":false,"timestamp":0}

A possible cause is that the private key is not formatted in pkcs8. Please follow the instructions in this documentation.

Q2: common param error(sign check error)?

The returned error message is as follows:

{"code":1000,"data":"","message":"common param error(sign check error)","timestamp":1527732508206}

Reason: A possible cause is that the openapi public key has been changed to user's public key by mistake. Or the user's private key is not correctly configured

Q3: API stocks or options query

The timestamps (long type) involved should be the timestamps of Eastern Time in the United States

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