
About 9 min

get_option_expirations Get Options Expiration Date

QuoteClient.get_option_expirations(symbols, market=None)


Get the Expiration date for option

Rate Limit

Refer to Rate Limit


symbolslist[str]List of symbols of the underlying assets
markettigeropen.common.consts.MarketUS/HK, required when request HK options



symbolstrsymbol of the option
datestrExpiration time of the option. Date String formatted as "YYYY-MM-DD"
timestampintExpiration time of the option, Unix timestamp in millisecond
period_tagstrOption period label, "m" is the monthly option, "w" is the weekly option


from tigeropen.quote.quote_client import QuoteClient
from tigeropen.tiger_open_config import get_client_config
client_config = get_client_config(private_key_path='private key path', tiger_id='your tiger id', account='your account')
quote_client = QuoteClient(client_config)

expiration = quote_client.get_option_expirations(symbols=['AAPL'])

Response Example

  symbol        date      timestamp
0    AAPL  2019-01-11  1547182800000
1    AAPL  2019-01-18  1547787600000
2    AAPL  2019-01-25  1548392400000
3    AAPL  2019-02-01  1548997200000
4    AAPL  2019-02-08  1549602000000

get_option_briefs Get Option Briefs

QuoteClient.get_option_briefs(identifiers, market=None)


Gets the option realtime quote.

**Frequency of request

For frequency limits, see: interface request limits


parameter nametyperequired or notdescription
identifierslist[str]Yesoption code list
markettigeropen.common.consts.MarketNoUS/HK, required when request HK options


| pandas.DataFrame

The meaning of each column is as follows:

symbolstrstock symbol
strikestrstrike price
pre_closefloatprevious day's close
multiplierintMultiplier, default 100 for US options
rates_bondsfloatOne-year U.S. Treasury rate, updated daily, e.g., 0.0078 means the effective rate is 0.78%
rightstrdirection (PUT/CALL)
volatilitystrHistorical Volatility
expiryintTime to expiration (milliseconds, 0:00 on the day)


from tigeropen.quote.quote_client import QuoteClient
from tigeropen.tiger_open_config import get_client_config
client_config = get_client_config(private_key_path='private key path', tiger_id='your tiger id', account='your account')
quote_client = QuoteClient(client_config)

briefs = quote_client.get_option_briefs(['AAPL 230317C000135000'])

Return example

                      identifier symbol expiry strike put_call multiplier \
        0 AAPL 220128C00175000 AAPL 1643346000000 175.0 CALL 100

           ask_price ask_size bid_price bid_size pre_close latest_price \
        0 11.0 1 8.5 1 10.8 8.75

          latest_time volume open_interest open high low rates_bonds \
        0 None 304 328 11.7 12.5 8.72 0.0027

          volatility expiry_date
        0 28.52% 2022-01-28 00:00:00-05:00

get_option_chain Get Option Chain

QuoteClient.get_option_chain(self, symbol, expiry, option_filter=None, return_greek_value=None, market=None, **kwargs)


Get option chain of a selected option

Rate Limit

Refer to:Rate Limit


symbolstrSymbol of the underlying asset
expirystr/intExpiry time of the option, Unix timestamp in millisecond (1705640400000), or a date string formatted as 'YYYY-MM-DD' ('2024-01-19')
option_filtertigeropen.quote.domain.filter.OptionFilterParameters for filtering the result. Optional
return_greek_valueboolWhether to return Greek values

Filter by parameters:

For each parameters or criteria, besides 'in_the_money', use _min / _max suffix to define the upper and lower bounds of a filter criteria. Example: delta_min, theta_max. Please see below for a full example.

OptionFilter can use the following parameters to filter the result:

implied_volatilityfloatNoImplied volatility
in_the_moneyboolNoIf the contract is in the money
open_interestintNoOpen interest. Total number of option contracts that has been traded but not yet been liquified
deltafloatNoDelta, ranging from -1.0 ~ 1.0



identifierstrOption Identifier
symbolstrSymbol of the underlying asset
expiryintExpiration time of the option, Unix timestamp in millisecond
strikefloatStrike price
ask_pricefloatAsk price
ask_sizeintAsk size
bid_pricefloatBid price
bid_sizeintBid size
pre_closefloatPre close price
latest_pricefloatLatest price
open_interestintOpen interest
implied_volfloatimplied volatility


from tigeropen.quote.quote_client import QuoteClient
from tigeropen.tiger_open_config import get_client_config
client_config = get_client_config(private_key_path='PEM key path, tiger_id='your tiger id', account='your account')
quote_client = QuoteClient(client_config)

option_chain = quote_client.get_option_chain(symbol='AAPL', expiry='2019-01-18')

# Use OptionFilter to select options that meets your criteria
option_filter = OptionFilter(implied_volatility_min=0.5, implied_volatility_max=0.9, delta_min=0, delta_max=1,
                          open_interest_min=100, gamma_min=0.005, theta_max=-0.05, in_the_money=True)
option_chain = openapi_client.get_option_chain('AAPL', '2023-01-20', option_filter=option_filter)

# or filiter by indicators
option_chain = openapi_client.get_option_chain('AAPL', '2023-01-20', implied_volatility_min=0.5, open_interest_min=200, vega_min=0.1, rho_max=0.9)
# format expiry time
option_chain['expiry_date'] = pd.to_datetime(option_chain['expiry'], unit='ms').dt.tz_localize('UTC').dt.tz_convert('US/Eastern')

Response Example

  symbol         expiry             identifier strike put_call  volume  latest_price  pre_close  open_interest  multiplier  implied_vol     delta     gamma     theta      vega       rho               expiry_date
0   AAPL  1689912000000  AAPL  230721C00095000   95.0     CALL       0         80.47      80.47            117         100     0.989442  0.957255  0.001332 -0.061754  0.059986  0.133840 2023-07-21 00:00:00-04:00
1   AAPL  1689912000000  AAPL  230721C00100000  100.0     CALL       0         73.50      76.85            206         100     0.903816  0.955884  0.001497 -0.058678  0.060930  0.141341 2023-07-21 00:00:00-04:00
2   AAPL  1689912000000  AAPL  230721C00105000  105.0     CALL       0         70.01      70.01             84         100     0.852019  0.949875  0.001762 -0.063437  0.070260  0.147292 2023-07-21 00:00:00-04:00
3   AAPL  1689912000000  AAPL  230721C00110000  110.0     CALL       0         61.83      61.83            521         100     0.773813  0.948045  0.001997 -0.059834  0.071063  0.154672 2023-07-21 00:00:00-04:00
4   AAPL  1689912000000  AAPL  230721C00115000  115.0     CALL       0         58.95      58.95            336         100     0.731485  0.939517  0.002387 -0.064365  0.081470  0.159871 2023-07-21 00:00:00-04:00
5   AAPL  1689912000000  AAPL  230721C00120000  120.0     CALL       0         53.60      53.60            566         100     0.662279  0.936079  0.002755 -0.060497  0.082236  0.166783 2023-07-21 00:00:00-04:00
6   AAPL  1689912000000  AAPL  230721C00125000  125.0     CALL       0         48.56      48.56           1360         100     0.612029  0.927733  0.003281 -0.063228  0.093132  0.172146 2023-07-21 00:00:00-04:00
7   AAPL  1689912000000  AAPL  230721C00130000  130.0     CALL       0         42.48      42.48           1675         100     0.583578  0.911524  0.004017 -0.067753  0.105918  0.175052 2023-07-21 00:00:00-04:00```

get_option_bars Get Option Bars

QuoteClient.get_option_bars(identifiers, begin_time=-1, end_time=4070880000000, market=None)


Get daily aggregate bars for an option over a given date range.

Rate Limit

Please refer to Rate Limitopen in new window


identifierslist[str]YesA list of option identifiers. Maximum number of contracts per request is 30. Example: ['AAPL 220128C000175000']
begin_timestr/intYesThe start time of the time window. UNIX timestamp in millisecond, or a date string. Example: 1643346000000 / '2019-01-01'
end_timestr/intYesThe end time of the time window. UNIX timestamp in millisecond, or a date string. Example: 1643346000000 / '2019-01-01'
periodtigeropen.common.consts.BarPeriodopen in new windowYeskLineType, range of values (DAY:1day, ONE_MINUTE:1min, FIVE_MINUTES:5min, HALF_HOUR. 30 minutes, ONE_HOUR:60 minutes)
sort_dirtigeropen.common.consts.SortDirectionNoSort direction. ASC/DESC ,default ASC
markettigeropen.common.consts.MarketNoUS/HK, required when request HK options



Structured as follows:

identifierstrOption Identifier
symbolstrSymbol of the underlying asset
expiryintOption expiration date, format: YYYY-MM-DD
put_callstrPut or call
strikefloatStrike price
timeintTimestamp of the open/start time of each bar, UNIX timestamp in millisecond
openfloatOpening price
open_interestintOpen interest. Total number of option contracts that has been traded but not yet been liquified


from tigeropen.quote.quote_client import QuoteClient
from tigeropen.tiger_open_config import get_client_config
client_config = get_client_config(private_key_path='private key path', tiger_id='your tiger id', account='your account')
quote_client = QuoteClient(client_config)

bars = quote_client.get_option_bars(['AAPL 190104P00134000'])

# Format time
bars['expiry_date'] = pd.to_datetime(bars['expiry'], unit='ms').dt.tz_localize('UTC').dt.tz_convert('US/Eastern')
bars['time_date'] = pd.to_datetime(bars['time'], unit='ms').dt.tz_localize('UTC').dt.tz_convert('US/Eastern')

Response Example

               identifier symbol         expiry put_call  strike           time   open   high   low  close  volume  open_interest               expiry_date                 time_date
0   AAPL  220128C00175000   AAPL  1643346000000     CALL   175.0  1639026000000   8.92   9.80  8.00   8.20     364              0 2022-01-28 00:00:00-05:00 2021-12-09 00:00:00-05:00
1   AAPL  220128C00175000   AAPL  1643346000000     CALL   175.0  1639112400000   9.05  10.80  7.80  10.80     277            177 2022-01-28 00:00:00-05:00 2021-12-10 00:00:00-05:00
2   AAPL  220128C00175000   AAPL  1643346000000     CALL   175.0  1639371600000  11.70  12.50  8.72   8.75     304            328 2022-01-28 00:00:00-05:00 2021-12-13 00:00:00-05:00
3   AAPL  220128C00175000   AAPL  1643346000000     CALL   175.0  1639458000000   8.60   9.82  7.00   7.80    1139            427 2022-01-28 00:00:00-05:00 2021-12-14 00:00:00-05:00
4   AAPL  220128C00175000   AAPL  1643346000000     CALL   175.0  1639544400000   8.30  10.70  7.05  10.57     927           1207 2022-01-28 00:00:00-05:00 2021-12-15 00:00:00-05:00
5   AAPL  220128C00175000   AAPL  1643346000000     CALL   175.0  1639630800000  10.50  11.60  6.60   7.14    1118           1447 2022-01-28 00:00:00-05:00 2021-12-16 00:00:00-05:00
6   AAPL  220128C00175000   AAPL  1643346000000     CALL   175.0  1639717200000   6.75   7.25  5.80   6.25     674           2057 2022-01-28 00:00:00-05:00 2021-12-17 00:00:00-05:00
7   AAPL  220128C00175000   AAPL  1643346000000     CALL   175.0  1639976400000   5.00   5.85  4.75   5.40    1034           2363 2022-01-28 00:00:00-05:00 2021-12-20 00:00:00-05:00
8   AAPL  220128C00175000   AAPL  1643346000000     CALL   175.0  1640062800000   6.20   6.30  4.85   6.20     756           2549 2022-01-28 00:00:00-05:00 2021-12-21 00:00:00-05:00
9   AAPL  220128C00175000   AAPL  1643346000000     CALL   175.0  1640149200000   6.24   7.40  5.90   7.40    2211           3002 2022-01-28 00:00:00-05:00 2021-12-22 00:00:00-05:00
10  AAPL  220128C00175000   AAPL  1643346000000     CALL   175.0  1640235600000   7.35   7.65  7.09   7.40     909           3031 2022-01-28 00:00:00-05:00 2021-12-23 00:00:00-05:00
11  AAPL  220128C00175000   AAPL  1643346000000     CALL   175.0  1640581200000   7.75   9.70  7.60   9.50    1165           3324 2022-01-28 00:00:00-05:00 2021-12-27 00:00:00-05:00
12  AAPL  220128C00175000   AAPL  1643346000000     CALL   175.0  1640667600000   9.38  10.05  8.52   8.85    1110           2816 2022-01-28 00:00:00-05:00 2021-12-28 00:00:00-05:00

get_option_trade_ticks Get Option Tick Data

QuoteClient.get_option_trade_ticks(identifiers, market=None)


Get the most recent tick data for a given option

Rate Limit

Refer to Rate Limitopen in new window


identifiersstrA list of option identifiers. Example: ['AAPL 220128C000175000']
markettigeropen.common.consts.MarketUS/HK, required when request HK options



Structured as follows:

symbolstrOption identifier
expirystrOption expiration date, format: YYYY-MM-DD
put_callstrPut or call
strikefloatStrike price
timeintTime of the


from tigeropen.quote.quote_client import QuoteClient
from tigeropen.tiger_open_config import get_client_config
client_config = get_client_config(private_key_path='private key path', tiger_id='your tiger id', account='your account')
quote_client = QuoteClient(client_config)

option_trade_ticks = quote_client.get_option_trade_ticks(['AAPL  190111P00134000'])

Response Example

                identifier symbol         expiry put_call  strike           time  price  volume
0    AAPL  220128C00175000   AAPL  1643346000000     CALL   175.0  1640701803177   9.38       9
1    AAPL  220128C00175000   AAPL  1643346000000     CALL   175.0  1640701803177   9.38       1
2    AAPL  220128C00175000   AAPL  1643346000000     CALL   175.0  1640701803846   9.46       7
3    AAPL  220128C00175000   AAPL  1643346000000     CALL   175.0  1640701806266   9.55       1
4    AAPL  220128C00175000   AAPL  1643346000000     CALL   175.0  1640701918302   9.08       1
..                     ...    ...            ...      ...     ...            ...    ...     ...
111  AAPL  220128C00175000   AAPL  1643346000000     CALL   175.0  1640722112754   8.91      25
112  AAPL  220128C00175000   AAPL  1643346000000     CALL   175.0  1640723067491   9.00       4
113  AAPL  220128C00175000   AAPL  1643346000000     CALL   175.0  1640723585351   8.85       4
114  AAPL  220128C00175000   AAPL  1643346000000     CALL   175.0  1640724302670   9.13       2
115  AAPL  220128C00175000   AAPL  1643346000000     CALL   175.0  1640724600973   8.85       1

get_option_depth Get Option Depth Quote

QuoteClient.get_option_depth(identifiers: list[str], market)


Get the depth of an option's ticker data

Request Limit

Refer to Rate Limitopen in new window


parameter nametyperequired or notdescription
identifierslist[str]YesList of option codes, e.g. ['AAPL 220128C000175000']. [Format description](/en/python/operation/trade/getContract.md#Contract introduction)
markettigeropen.common.consts.MarketNoUS/HK, required when request HK options


The structure is as follows:

parameter nametypedescription
identifierstroption symbol
askslist[tuple]asks information
bidslist[tuple]bids information

Each item in asks and bids is a tuple whose elements are (price, volume, timestamp, code).


from tigeropen.quote.quote_client import QuoteClient
from tigeropen.tiger_open_config import get_client_config
from tigeropen.common.util.contract_utils import get_option_identifier

client_config = get_client_config(private key path', tiger_id='your tiger id', account='your account')
# or client_config = get_client_config(props_path='directory path to tiger_openapi_config.properties file')
quote_client = QuoteClient(client_config)

identifier = 'AAPL 190104P00134000' # or generated by four elements
# or generated by four elements
# identifier = get_option_identifier('AAPL', '20190104', 'PUT', 134)

result = quote_client.get_option_depth([identifier])

Return example When requesting a single subject

{'identifier': 'ADBE 240816C00560000', 
 'request': 3, 10, 1719852973090, 'CBOE'), (18.3, 7, 1719852973090, 'gem'), (18.3, 7, 1719852969591, 'mcry'), (18.3, 7, 1719852969585, 'bzx'), (18.3, 7. 1719852969591, 'BZX'). 3, 6, 1719852969647, 'NSDQ'), (18.3, 4, 1719852973525, 'ARCA'), (18.3, 3, 1719852972512, 'MEMX'), (18.3, 3, 1719852969818, 'C2'), (18.3, 2. 1719852973422, 'BX')], 
 Bid [(17.9, 8, 1719852972512, 'BOX'), (17.9, 7, 1719852973487, 'AMEX'), (17.9, 6, 1719852973090, 'EMLD'), (17.9, 6, 1719852972660, 'MPRL'), (17.9, 6. 1719852969837, 'ISE'), (17.9, 5, 1719852973422, 'BX'), (1

When requesting multiple subjects

{'ADBE 240816C00560000': 
    {'identifier': 'ADBE 240816C00560000', 
     'asks': [(18.3, 36, 1719852973090, 'PHLX'), (18.3, 19, 1719852973090, 'EDGX'), (18.3, 14, 1719852972660, 'MPRL'), (18.3, 14, 1719852972512, 'BOX'), (18.3, 13, 1719852973090, 'EMLD'), (18.3, 12, 1719852973090, 'MIAX'), (18.3, 11, 1719852969837, 'ISE'), (18.3, 10, 1719852973487, 'AMEX'), (18.3, 10, 1719852973090, 'CBOE'), (18.3, 7, 1719852973090, 'GEM'), (18.3, 7, 1719852969591, 'MCRY'), (18.3, 7, 1719852969585, 'BZX'), (18.3, 6, 1719852969647, 'NSDQ'), (18.3, 4, 1719852973525, 'ARCA'), (18.3, 3, 1719852972512, 'MEMX'), (18.3, 3, 1719852969818, 'C2'), (18.3, 2, 1719852973422, 'BX')], 
     'bids': [(17.9, 8, 1719852972512, 'BOX'), (17.9, 7, 1719852973487, 'AMEX'), (17.9, 6, 1719852973090, 'EMLD'), (17.9, 6, 1719852972660, 'MPRL'), (17.9, 6, 1719852969837, 'ISE'), (17.9, 5, 1719852973422, 'BX'), (17.9, 5, 1719852973090, 'PHLX'), (17.9, 5, 1719852969647, 'NSDQ'), (17.9, 5, 1719852969591, 'MCRY'), (17.9, 4, 1719852973090, 'EDGX'), (17.9, 4, 1719852973090, 'MIAX'), (17.9, 3, 1719852973525, 'ARCA'), (17.9, 2, 1719852973090, 'CBOE'), (17.9, 2, 1719852973090, 'GEM'), (17.9, 2, 1719852969818, 'C2'), (17.9, 1, 1719852969585, 'BZX'), (17.85, 6, 1719852972512, 'MEMX')]}, 
 'ADBE 240816P00560000': 
    {'identifier': 'ADBE 240816P00560000', 
     'asks': [(17.45, 6, 1719863999000, 'BOX'), (17.45, 5, 1719863999000, 'EMLD'), (17.45, 5, 1719863999000, 'PHLX'), (17.45, 1, 1719863999000, 'CBOE'), (17.45, 1, 1719863999000, 'ISE'), (17.45, 1, 1719863999000, 'ARCA'), (17.45, 1, 1719863999000, 'MPRL'), (17.45, 1, 1719863999000, 'NSDQ'), (17.45, 1, 1719863999000, 'BX'), (17.45, 1, 1719863999000, 'C2'), (17.45, 1, 1719863999000, 'BZX'), (21.65, 4, 1719863999000, 'EDGX'), (22.0, 2, 1719863999000, 'AMEX'), (27.3, 1, 1719863999000, 'GEM'), (27.5, 1, 1719863999000, 'MIAX'), (28.0, 1, 1719863999000, 'MCRY'), (0.0, 0, 1719864000000, 'MEMX')], 
     'bids': [(17.05, 6, 1719863999000, 'ISE'), (17.05, 5, 1719863999000, 'BOX'), (17.05, 5, 1719863999000, 'PHLX'), (17.05, 3, 1719863999000, 'MCRY'), (17.05, 2, 1719863999000, 'ARCA'), (17.05, 2, 1719863999000, 'MPRL'), (17.05, 2, 1719863999000, 'NSDQ'), (17.05, 2, 1719863999000, 'BX'), (17.05, 2, 1719863999000, 'BZX'), (17.05, 1, 1719863999000, 'AMEX'), (17.05, 1, 1719863999000, 'CBOE'), (17.05, 1, 1719863999000, 'GEM'), (17.05, 1, 1719863999000, 'C2'), (15.6, 1, 1719863999000, 'EDGX'), (15.5, 1, 1719863999000, 'MIAX'), (11.95, 1, 1719863999000, 'EMLD'), (0.0, 0, 1719864000000, 'MEMX')]}

get_option_symbols Get HK options symbols

QuoteClient.get_option_symbols(lang: Language = Language.en_US)


Get the symbols of Hong Kong stock options, e.g. the symbol of 00700 is TCH.

Request Frequency

Refer to Rate Limitopen in new window


parameter nametyperequired or notdescription
langLanguageNoLanguage of the returned message, not required, defaults to English



The structure is as follows:

parameter nametypedescription
symbolstroption code, e.g. TCH.HK
underlying_symbolstrHK stock code e.g. 00700


from tigeropen.quote.quote_client import QuoteClient
from tigeropen.tiger_open_config import get_client_config
from tigeropen.common.util.contract_utils import get_option_identifier

client_config = get_client_config(private_key_path='private key path', tiger_id='your tiger id', account='your account')
quote_client = QuoteClient(client_config)

result = quote_client.get_option_symbols()

Return example

     symbol name underlying_symbol
0    ALC.HK  ALC             02600
1    CRG.HK  CRG             00390
2    PAI.HK  PAI             02318
3    XCC.HK  XCC             00939
4    XTW.HK  XTW             00788
5    SHL.HK  SHL             00968
6    GHL.HK  GHL             00868
7    HEX.HK  HEX             00388
8    ACC.HK  ACC             00914
9    STC.HK  STC             02888

Last update: